WpArcade – Startwpa wordpress theme

General Theme Features

- WordPress 3.1 + Compatible
- Easy-to-use Theme Options Page
- Removable Boxes from Layout Options
- Ads System: 728×90, 336×280, 300×250
- Stats, Analytics Block from Themes Options
- Support for Threaded Comments
- Widgetized Sidebars (Front, Game, Category, Page, Search, Blog)
- Support for Author Pages
- Support for Blog Page
- Compatible with all modern Browsers
- Dynamic image resizing for thumbnails (TimThumb)
- 100% Tableless Design

SEO Options

- Easier to control and improve your site's SEO options to get your site indexed better with search-engines
- For beginners, you don't even have to look at the options, it works out-of-the-box.
- Automatically optimizes your titles for search engines.
- Generates META tags automatically
- You won't even need another SEO plugin

Unique Theme Features

- Unique Arcade Design
- 3 Styles to choose from: Orange, Green, Blue
- Sliding Featured Games Panel
- 9 Category Blocks easy to add from Theme Options
- Integrated Social Sharing Buttons
- Login and Log Out Box
- 336×280 Ads Before game loading with timer from Theme Options
- Integrated User Panel with Avatar, Options and Favorite Games
- Drop Down all games list in footer
- Logo change from Theme Settings
- Background change from Theme Settings
- Custom CSS change from Theme Settings
- Banner Exchange change from Theme Settings
- Jumplist Games Amount from Theme Settings
- Text after Category from Theme Settings
- StartWPA comes packaged with a .po file for easy WordPress theme translations into your desired language - editing one neat little file without hunting down text in all our theme templates.

Demo: http://demo.wparcade.com/startwpa/
